Ergo-Express® Ceiling Lift Load Test Carts
PHS West has always been keen on identifying niches where our products can provide a safer, more efficient way of getting things done. The Ergo-Express® Ceiling Lift Load Test Cart is no exception.
The last few years have seen increased interest among healthcare facilities in incorporating ceiling mounted patient lifts into their safe patient handling and mobility (SPHM) programs. With a growing focus on SPHM and an aging population, some estimates suggest that the patient lifting equipment market could increase by 7.3% into 2027. As healthcare facilities install more patient ceiling lifts, an important question should not be overlooked.
The Question
“What will be our system for testing overhead patient lifts to ensure compliance with standards set by their manufacturers?”
This will most likely fall on a facility’s biomedical equipment technicians to figure out. Load testing frequency will likely be a cut and dry issue, but a significant question remains. How are they going to perform those tests?
Long story short, someone is going to be moving hundreds of pounds of test weights from unit to unit. This is a perfect recipe for overexertion injuries or worse if a makeshift system fails and sends 500 pounds crashing to the floor.
With the increasing need for patient lifts, the likelihood of injuries associated with testing that equipment follows the same trajectory. Furthermore, purpose built and commercially available load testing devices for this application are practically non-existent.
Need Recognized, Need Addressed
The Ergo-Express® Ceiling Lift Load Test Cart is designed with the entire load testing process in mind. Certified test weights nested on a stable, wheeled base ease transportation. Simply secure the weights to the lift and perform the load test. Store the entire system with minimal floorspace impact between testing cycles. Answer the question of “how to perform load testing” with a single, purpose built product.

Contact us today to find out more about how our load testing carts will keep you and your team safe during annual load testing cycles.